Dealing with grief and when to seek help

Dealing with grief and when to seek help

Although grief can be very painful, most people find that with the support of their family and friends and their own resources, they gradually find ways to learn to live with their loss, and they do not need to seek professional help. 
However, sometimes the circumstances of the death or other personal situations may make your grief particularly acute or complicated. You should consider seeking Grief & Bereavement Counselling if:


  • Your personal relationships are being seriously affected by your grief
  • You do not have people who can listen to you and care for you
  • You find yourself unable to manage the tasks of your daily life, such as going to work or caring for your children
  • You have persistent thoughts of harm to yourself or anyone else
  • You persistently over-use alcohol or other drugs
  • You are experiencing panic attacks or signs of anxiety or
  • You feel that for whatever reason, you need help to get 
through this experience




  • Try not to neglect your physical wellbeing; despite feeling emotionally overwhelmed
  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Take time out for yourself going for walks, reading books, listening to music
  • Avoid overuse of drugs and alcohol, as they can stop or delay the ordinary course of the grieving process
  • If your appetite has decreased, try to eat small amounts food a few times a day
  • Accept the offers of help that relatives and close friends might make. Or let them know what helps you and what you need at this time
  • Try doing some gentle exercise


Since grief is a chaotic process and not linear moving through the stages of grief, it may be helpful for you to have realistic expectations of yourself.