www.psychology.org.au – Australian Psychological Society
www.relationships.org.au Relationships Australia
Happiness and how it happens: Finding Contentment Through Minduflness The Happy Buddha
Growing yourself up Jenny Brown
- www.cyh.com Parenting and child health. A resource for parents and caregivers.
- www.bubhub.com.au The Bub Hub
- www.tresillian
- www.babycenter.com
- www.centreforattachment.com The Centre for Attachment (CFA) is a New Zealand-based agency dedicated to providing support, education and training for families, organisations and communities on optimal child development and attachment. Useful reading material.
- www.raisingchildren.net.au
- www.parentline.org.au ph. 1300 1300 52
- www.parentingideas.com.au
- www.nswfamilyservices.asn.au
- Nurturing your child’s emotional intelligence from conception to school age Robin Grille
- Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child John Gottman
- The Blessing of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel PH.D
- The Whole Brain Child by Daniel Siegel
- How full is your bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath & Mary Reckmeyer
- Hands are not for hitting by Martine Agassi (Many other titles available to address young children’s behavior)
- Relax Kids: Magical meditations for superheroes. CD available at www.relaxkids.com
- Adolescence, a guide for parents (Michael Carr-Gregg and Erin Shale)
- Teen Talk, parent talk: A common sense guide to raising your teenager Sharon Witt
- Raising Boys (Steve Biddulph)
- Raising girls (Gisela Preuschoff)
www.nowwhat.org.au Now What has been developed by CanTeen, the Australian Organisation for Young People affected by Cancer.
www.grief.org.au Australian Centre for Grief & Bereavement
www.dougy.org National Centre for Grieving Children and their families books and useful information
www.beyondblue.org.au info line provides nationwide access to information, advice and referrals around depression, anxiety and related conditions (available 24/7). Ph: 1300 22 46
www.sane.org.au SANE Australia is a national charity helping those affected by mental illness lead a better life – through campaigning, education and research. Ph: 1800 18 7263
www.headspace.org.au Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation, helping young people 12-25yr olds) who are going through a tough time. Health advice, support and information.
www.reachout.com ReachOut is an online youth mental health service and aims to increase young people’s knowledge of mental health and wellbeing, increase their help seeking skills and ensures that they feel less alone. Services are provided online because it offers young people anonymity; offers help and support 24 hours a day.
Taking Charge (A guide for teenagers) Sarah Edelman and Louise Remond